Thursday, November 25, 2010

TeaParty activists have pro-Obama Johnson & Johnson Co. in their sites as target of new boycotts


-- Johnson and Johnson. Nearly 69 percent had a favorable impression of the health company before Johnson and Johnson's support for health reform
legislation was detailed to survey-takers. Afterward, that favorability dropped to 16 percent.

Here's a partial list of J & J products:

Desitin, J & J lotion, J & J No More Tears,, Neutrogena, Clean & Clear, Bandaid, Bengay, Purell, Listerine, Nicorette, Nicoderm (distributed by GSK but mfg by J & J) Reach, Stayfree, O.B., Monistat, Tylenol, Pepcid, Rolaids, Splenda, Benecol, Visine, Acuvue.....etc.

Online lists found here:

Americans enraged by Democratic government (and RWJF lobbied) takeover of our private healthcare system can demonstrate their anger with their wallet

Stop spending money on any and all Johnson & Johnson products Tylenol, Bandaid, Nicoderm, etc. (SC Johnson (cleaning product manufacturer) is not related to the J & J pharmaceutical and medical device conglomerate)

RWJF is the private foundation of the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturer. In a misguided, rent seeking legislative effort, RWJF has been lobbying for government healthcare in the U.S for over 30 years.

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